Welcome to The Approach with John Barrentine Episode #1

Welcome to The Approach with John Barrentine Episode #1

Maximizing Your Value in Los Angeles Real Estate During an Election Year

Welcome to The Approach with John Barrentine Episode #1

Today, I want to dive into something that’s been on a lot of minds lately: the Los Angeles real estate market in an election year. If you’ve been wondering whether now is the right time to make a move, let me tell you — there are so many opportunities right now, even in the face of what some might call adversity.

I’ve had countless conversations with clients and friends who are uncertain about entering the market this year. They say, “I’m going to wait — it’s an election year, and I don’t know how that’s going to affect things.” But I’m here to tell you that election years can actually create incredible opportunities if you know how to approach the market.

The Real Impact of Election Years on Los Angeles Real Estate

Let’s take a step back and look at this from a macro perspective.

One of the things I want to emphasize is that election years historically have a short-term effect on real estate prices. I’ve read many studies on this, and in seven of the last eight election cycles, home prices have gone up following the election.

Why does this happen? It all comes down to pent-up demand. During election years, a lot of people sit on the sidelines, thinking something negative is about to happen. They wait for the dust to settle, and then, once the election is over, they jump back into the market, driving demand up. Prices inevitably follow.

In Los Angeles, where demand is always strong, this effect is even more pronounced. If you’re waiting for post-election clarity, you could miss out on a better price today. Trust me, once the election is over, prices are going to move up.

Interest Rates Are Already Factored In — Don’t Wait

Another point I want to address is interest rates. I’ve heard so many people say, “I’m waiting for rates to drop,” but the reality is that rates are already factored into the current market. Jerome Powell has made it clear that rates are likely to hold steady after the upcoming Fed meeting. Even if we see a small cut — say, a quarter point — it won’t make a significant difference in the bigger picture.

The bottom line is this: prices will not be better than they are today. If you’re holding off, waiting for the market to dip, you could end up paying more in the long run. In my 35 years of doing this, I can tell you that the people who act when others are uncertain are the ones who come out ahead.


Housing Policy and the Election: What You Need to Know

Now, let’s talk about housing policy. During election years, we often see both parties make moves to appeal to voters through housing affordability initiatives. But I want to caution you: don’t wait for these policies to take effect. You might hear talk about $25,000 credits for first-time buyers, but these things take time to materialize — if they ever do.

In the meantime, home prices in Los Angeles are going to rise. The demand is there, and with limited inventory in the city, waiting for a policy change could mean missing out on today’s lower prices. I wouldn’t recommend betting on a future policy that may not have as much impact as you think.

Don’t Be Fooled by Fear-Based Narratives

It’s easy to get caught up in the fear-based narratives we see in the news. We’ve all heard it — the market’s going to crash, interest rates are too high, prices are too high. But here’s the truth: real estate markets, especially in places like Los Angeles, are resilient.

I’ve been hearing about the market crashing for years, yet prices continue to rise. There’s a lot of clickbait out there trying to scare people into inaction, but if you look at the data — the real numbers — you’ll see that the market is stable. Don’t let the perma bears — those people who are always predicting doom — hold you back from making a smart move.

If you’re serious about buying a home or investing in real estate, now is the time to do it. I’ve had conversations with clients who stepped out in this moment, and they’ve secured incredible deals. They didn’t let fear dictate their actions, and now they’re benefiting from it.

The Time to Act is Now

Here’s the most important thing I want to leave you with: The time to act is now. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or an investor, there’s a window of opportunity in Los Angeles real estate right now. With election-year uncertainty and already factored-in interest rates, prices are only going to increase after the election.

I’ve seen this pattern play out time and time again, and those who seize the opportunity now will see the rewards later. Don’t wait for the market to turn or for election outcomes to dictate your next move. Prices will not be better than they are today, and the demand is only going to increase as more buyers come off the sidelines post-election.

Take Control of Your Real Estate Future

If you’ve been feeling hesitant about making a move in the Los Angeles real estate market, I encourage you to reconsider. The combination of stable interest rates, pent-up demand, and election-year dynamics makes this a prime time to buy. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back from securing your dream home or making a sound investment.

In real estate, timing is everything, and right now, the timing couldn’t be better. Let’s connect and discuss how you can take advantage of today’s opportunities. Remember, where you wake up matters, and Los Angeles is a city that offers endless possibilities.

If you’re ready to explore the best opportunities in the market, I’m here to help guide you every step of the way.

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